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Passing Days

Browse your Passing Days

Think Quote, Year 02, Day 308

There is no security on this Earth, there is only opportunity.
(General Douglas MacArthur)

How people treat you is their Karma. How you respond is yours
(Wayne Dyer)

Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.
(G. K. Chesterton)

To build your confidence, repeat over and over, ?I feel happy! I feel healthy! Feel terrific!?

I'll tell you my vision. I'd like for most Americans to be able to reach a trail within walking distance of their home and work place. I would like us all to have available a significant natural corridor where we can stroll, exercise, or socialize with friends. I would like to see the National Trails System be as myriad and diverse as the American people. I would like to see us being committed to preserving enough significant corridors that we could have a trail system that is reflective of various communities of interest so we are not confused by some as serving a single activity group.
(William Spitzer)

The first priority for trail work is to correct truly unsafe situations. This could mean repairing impassable washouts along a cliff, or removing blow down from a steep section of a pack stock trail. The second priority is to correct things causing significant trail damage erosion, sedimentation, and off-site trampling, for instance. The third priority is to restore the trail to the planned design standard. This means that the ease of finding and traveling the trail matches the design specifications for the recreational setting and target user. Actions range from simply adding ?reassurance markers' to full-blown reconstruction of eroded tread or failed structures. Whatever the priority, doing maintenance when the need is first noticed will help prevent more severe and costly damage later.
(Woody Hesselbarth)