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Passing Days

Browse your Passing Days

Think Quote, Year 01, Day 284

A poem is never finished, only abandoned.
(Paul Valery)

Leaders who serve well serve as good leaders.

War is the ultimate reality-based horror show.
(David Hackworth)

All television is children's television.
(Richard P. Adler)

The rewards of witnessing are worth the risks.

I could work out a lot of my emotions by going to class and dancing.
(Suzanne Farrell)

They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?
(Fidel Castro)

The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.
(Norman Vincent Peale)

We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.
(Barbara Ward)

The problem is that they are all stars at Madrid. You need someone to carry the water to the well.
(Diego Maradona)

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...

I dressed and went for a walk, determined not to return until I took in what Nature had to offer.
(Raymond Carver)

A professional is a person who can do his best at a time when he doesnt particularly feel like it.
(Alistair Cooke)

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.
(Mark Twain)

I take it that what all men are really after is some form of, perhaps only some formula of, peace.
(Joseph Conrad)

A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors.
(William Ralph Inge)